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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Welcome To The Frequently Asked Questions Page

Thank you for stopping by the Frequently Asked Questions Page

As a coupon user there will ALWAYS be questions about many different things. I have yet to find a day that I didn't learn something new! This is why I love the coupon game!

I have set this page up to link you to various articles to common questions about coupons. If you don't see your answer on this page you can check out "New Here", Links, or the search engine that is set up internally to display results within this site only!

If you cannot find the answer to your question please consider leaving a comment under the article that you may have a question about or you can use the "Contact Form" to email me directly.

Due to personal time constraints I may not be able to answer each and every email. I will try to respond as my time allows.

How can I save money on ink?
Since color is the most expensive ink to purchase check out this article here that explains how to change your printer settings to print out in black and white!

How do I install/troubleshoot the printer software that the websites require me to download?
The printer software installation is a fairly simple process. To read my how-to article you can go here! If you are having trouble with your printer software try these tips here before contacting the companies!

I am weary of installing certain software programs on my computer due to spyware, adware, or a computer virus. Is it safe to install coupon software? If so, why do I need to install it?
The software that most sites use for you to be able to print coupons is completely safe. If you haven't noticed yet...most sites only allow you to print 2 coupons per computer. This software is used specifically for that reason. Once you download and install the software a file is embedded on your computer (a type of a tracking mechanism). This tracking allows the coupon companies to ensure that users do not abuse the printing of the coupons. It is also used for analysis (to see what coupons are popular and what state they are being printed from). You will not get viruses or spyware on your computer from this software. The file is extremely small and doesn't take up a significant amount of space!

How do I know if a coupon is legit or if it's a fraud?
Check out my article here on how to spot most fraudulent coupons.

If I print out more than one of the same coupon, how can I prove to the stores that I didn't photocopy them?
This is a tough question to answer. Some companies have ways to tell if the coupon is copied and others don't. You can read the article I wrote about the fraudulent coupons above to see some of the ways that you can prove that they are legit.

What if a coupon that I print out from a website doesn't scan at the grocery store?
Most cashiers will manually input the coupon into their registers. Occasionally you will find stores that won't accept the coupons unless they scan. Some of the stores feel that if a bar code on the coupon is distorted (blurry) that it is possibly a fraud.

What is the difference between a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon?
Most grocery and drug stores release coupons that you can only use at that particular store. You will always see the store logo or name on the coupon itself. For example: Kmart releases coupons that start with the number 4, Publix store coupons start with the letters L.U.

Some stores will release manufacturer's coupons for "store brand"products. For example, Kroger has a coupon for Comforts diapers. It is a manufacturer's coupon BUT you will only find that product at Kroger.

A manufacturer coupon will have a product along with the description and a picture on it. All manufacturer coupons start with either the number "5" or "9". These coupons can be used at any store that will accept coupons.

How do I know if my coupon will double or not?
Some coupons state (at the top) "Do Not Double". Sometimes even these coupons double. Each company has a POS (point of service) software system that they use on their cash registers. These POS systems are set up to read the bar codes and numbers only (not words). If the coupon starts with the number "5" it will double unless the cashier manually suppresses the coupon (I have had this happen at Publix). If the coupon starts with the number "9" it will not double. Store coupons and eCoupons (such as are redeemable at face value only.

How does a doubled or tripled coupon work?
The face value of the coupon is paid to the grocery store (or any store that accepts coupons) by the manufacturer. The double or tripled portion of the coupon is absorbed by that company. For Example, if you use a .50 coupon at Kroger and it doubles to $1 off of that product then the manufacturer pays Kroger .50 and Kroger gives you to additional .50 off.

What if the coupon states "Redeem" or "Redeemable" at a specific store? Do I have to use it at that particular store?
If a coupon starts with the numbers 5 or 9 it is a manufacturer coupon and technically can be used at any store that accepts coupons. However, some stores will not accept coupons that have other store names on them. If you ever question a particular coupon that you are trying to use please contact customer service for your answer!

Is there a limit to the number of coupons I can use in one transaction?
Most store do not have a limit to the number of coupons that you can use. However, some stores do have a limit to the number of coupons that you can double or triple. For example, Ingles Grocery Stores has no limit on face value coupons but if you want to double or triple coupons you can only do so if you spend a certain amount of money. There is no universal answer to this question and I recommend that you speak with the customer service desk at your local store to find out their limits!

What is coupon stacking?
Coupon stacking occurs when a store allows you to stack 2 coupons on 1 product. You cannot stack more than one manufacturer coupon on 1 product but many stores allow you to stack a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon on 1 product. For example, CVS may have a coupon for $1 off of Colgate toothpaste and you may have a manufacturer coupon for $1 off of Colgate toothpaste. In this case CVS will allow you to use both coupons on 1 tube of toothpaste for a total of $2 off!

What does ECB or SS mean?
If you are new to the coupon game you will want to familiarize yourself with the coupon lingo that you will see on this site along with any other site that talks about coupons. There are certain abbreviations that everyone has come up with (a type of short hand) to describe certain words. You can view my "Coupon Lingo" article here!

Does each store have a corporate coupon policy?
Unfortunately the answer to this one is no. The coupon policies are different for each store and in some cases can even vary between the same stores but in different cities. Walmart is the only store that has a corporate coupon policy that you can print out here.

My suggestion would be to speak with the store manager to find out what the policy is. You can also talk to customer service. Sometimes you may even want to call or email the corporate office to find out certain information on their coupon policy.

Can I use coupons if I have an EBT card (Food Stamps)?
Yes. If you have an EBT card you can use coupons. However, be prepared to pay taxes. If you use an EBT card on normal grocery purchases you will not be charged tax. Unfortunately there is a glitch in the system (not sure if it is on the stores end or the EBT cards end) and when you attempt to use coupons you somehow are charged tax on those item (not every item, just the ones you used coupons on). I have spoken with store managers and local Department Of Family & Children Services representatives and this is something that cannot be changed. Neither end knows why this occurs and no one is investigating the issue!

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